Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Flutter: Installation and setup

Flutter is an open source framework (developed by Google) for building native mobile apps for Android and iOS using DART language. React Native (open source framework for building native mobile app for android and iOS using JS/TS language) is developed by Facebook.

Installation(for Windows):

1. Git
2. Powershell (Installed with Windows)
3. Java JDK
4. Android Studio (with AVD)
5. Visual Studio Code 
5. Flutter

Install the above softwares by clicking the link.

Run the  (flutter_console.bat) under flutter directory and run the below command which tells list of softwares required is been installed or not.

Android Studio Installation Error (Installer integrity check has failed): 
if you receive the error (Installer integrity check has failed) while installing the android studio using exe file, try to download RAR file and install.
open the command prompt, run the exe file with switch like below.

C:\Users\ayyanar.jayabalan\Downloads\android-studio-ide-181.5056338-windows.exe /NCRC

flutter doctor

After installing the android studio, install flutter and dart plugin.

flutter doctor

Now you have installed all required softwares to start to work flutter.


1. Setting up the JDK Path in environment variables.

2. Setting up the Flutter Path in environment variables.


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